Enroll In Our
Healthy food is like preventive medicine. It will prevent nutition-related disease.
CSA supported by Kaiser Permanente. Pick up our CSA bag at a selected Kaiser Permanente Farmers Market or our Food Hub.
Subscribe To Our
Our CSA box is the most locally seasonal mix you can find.
Food As Medicine
Food as Medicine goes beyond dietary health and targets improvement in diet-related health outcomes and reduction in the incidence of depression and social isolation.Â
Our goal is to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, reduce food insecurity, and address the underlying social determinants of health.
All In Eats
Organically Grown
All the produce sold through the ALL IN Eats website by Dig Deep Farms is organically grown using sustainable and regenerative farming practices. No synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used to grow any of our fruits and vegetables.
Locally Grown
Nutrient-dense locally grown produce farmed by Dig Deep Farms, multiple urban farm sites across Alameda County.
Regenerative Farming
Produce is grown using sustainable and regenerative farming practices.
Farmers Market
Pick up or Buy our products from one of our Farmers Market locations or our Food Hub.
You can access our recipes for the specific fruits or vegetables that you receive. Click button below to view our recipe book.